About SC&P

We are quite old fashioned -
at least in respect to our basic principles quality und reliability. Whilst the IT sector is much characterized by a mentality of hype and rapidness we focus more on old tried and tested engineer virtues because we believe this is the best way to reliably create and operate complex software products.

SC&P has set itself the task to provide demanding customers with particularly high performance as well as reliable systems for the support of business critical processes. The use of latest technological standards for our standard products as well as individual customer solutions is a matter of course for us. Equally important though is also the support of customers in productive operation with a reliable and competent customer support service.
System failures cause substantial restrictions to the business operations of our customers - it is exactly this risk which must be minimized.
Our approach for this purpose is:
- No implementation without exact requirement specifications
- Continuous communication with the customer in all implementation phases
- Perfected test and quality assurance methods
- Operational concept as part of the development project
You wonder if this outlay will lead to higher costs? No because the additional costs incurred by implementing not fully developed solutions is many times greater.

SC&P: Unlock potential - gain a competitive edge